Inexpensive and Unusual Graduation Gifts

When a person is graduating from school (whether it's high school, college, or any one of the many types of business or professional schools), there will be, and should be a lot of celebrating. Graduation in a sense means the start of the rest of one's life and that this is the time that the investment in terms of years of education is about to pay off.

So chances are good that there are going to be wonderful celebrations for the new graduate and that the person who is graduating is someone who is going to enjoy some of the finer, more fun things in life.

For the most part friends, family and even classmates will want to mark the occasion in some small way for the graduate and in this day and age (regarding the current economy) most people most likely will be looking for in expensive graduation gifts to give. And more to the point, if it's you giving the present, you'll want to get a gift that recent graduate won't be getting from everyone else. You know that they'll be getting a lot of different types of gifts, cards, and money - so you want to be sure that the gift you give stands out, and that you are truly giving something that they'll enjoy forever.

There are lots of different inexpensive and most importantly unusual graduation gifts and gift ideas that you might be considering. If you do a little bit of work, you can be sure that you find a great deal on a wonderful present. One of the gifts that you might consider is the gift of land...well, a small representative piece that is. This is something that is very unique (one square inch in each and every state), and you can do it very easily. For many people, getting a gift of land on an attractive legal Deed certificate to hang next to their new diploma is something that is going to be a thrill - because even though it's a small piece of land, it really represents that an entire world of opportunity lies ahead for that graduate.

There are other types of gifts that you can easily give to someone graduating from school. When you are looking at different types of gifts, something that you might want to consider is getting stamps made from a photograph...perhaps a photo of the graduate getting his diploma handed to him during the commencement ceremonies. Stamps from a photograph are something that can be fun to do, and it'll be a gift that you can be pretty certain no one else is going to give. Getting stamps made from a photograph is easy to do on the Internet.

Other gifts that are very exciting and unusual or unique graduation gift ideas might include presents like ball park pens, or even a single share of the Coca Cola Company or any one of hundreds of U.S. traded companies on the stock exchanges. These can be great graduation gifts that help make someone smile. With the right inexpensive, unusual graduation gift you can be sure that you'll be that someone who is giving a wonderful gift, and something that the high school graduate...or college graduate will remember for a long time to come.

Some excellent sites to check out for inexpensive unusual gifts for graduates include,, and

About the Author - Scott Moger

Scott Moger is an Internet entrepreneur and author who has been published internationally. He's CEO of and is publishing a book on Internet marketing which will include chapters about how to market inexpensive gifts for graduates and unusual gifts for graduation. He'll also be featuring a novelty gift site which offers free land in the USA to all visitors. Earlier Mr. Moger held top management positions at Columbia Pictures, ABC TV, and 20th Century Fox TV and has represented Miramax Films and Warner Brothers TV.

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